Hi there!
Welcome to the gallery page of Comic Syrup Press! This page exhibits all of the original artwork that was created for the Kickstarters to publish these books! Here is the beginning of the contributions to the Mr. Monster Campaign which will be taking place toward the end of August!
Next is all of the original Johnny Canuck art that was created for the Johnny Canuck Kickstarter Campaign in August of 2014! This will be the first time that Johnny’s adventures have ever been reprinted, and Canadians can finally read his adventures again, similar to our other campaign for Nelvana of the Northern Lights! Missed the campaign and want the book? Go to the store section of this site to buy Johnny Canuck merchandise! Also, stay on top of Johnny Canuck news by following us on Facebook and twitter! These interpretations were donated by many of today’s greatest artists! What do you think?