Andromeda (Comic)

1977. A great year for Canadian comics, but it’s about to get better as the beginnings of Volume 2, and I think the only volume, of Andromeda is released.  This sci-fi fantasy series was created at the peak of an era that produced many science fiction anthology magazines. While slightly more expensive to find online, there were only six issues ever published. Alternatively, you could probably find some cheaper ones in bargain bins at cons and shops. Interestingly, the publisher of the comic, Andromeda Publications, was owned by none other than Ron Van Leeuwen, or the well known and ever present Silver Snail Comics in downtown Toronto.

Andromeda arrived around the tail end of Canada’s Underground Comix era but the influence is apparent in many of the comics. Filled with mature comedy, the comics are of high quality and are for the most part printed in black and white.

It is important to note that Andromeda is not entirely Canadian. For example, the second issue features a story by Arthur C Clarke while the sixth issue is completely dedicated to the writings of Alan Dean Foster. Much of it is though, including production, writers and the earnest artists, a lot of them fresh from Sheridan. Andromeda features some of the best Canadian talent such as Ken Steacy, Dean Motter, Gene Day, Don Marshall and AE Van Vogt. There is also an exceptional adaptation from bpNichol. 

Here are the issue breakdowns.

Volume 2 No 1

  • Cover: John Allison
  • Back Cover: Paul Rivoche
  • Frontispiece: “Amber” by Robert MscIntyre
  • The Man Who Walked Home: James Tiptree (Original); John Allison (Adaptation); Jim Allison and Tony Meers (Artists)
  • The Escape and Pursuit of Jeanne d’Arc: Dean Motter (Writer and artist)
  • A Day At YGSRD’s: Jason Ross (Writer and artist)
  • CerebralSwamp: Don Marshall (Writer and artist)

Volume 2 No 2

  • Cover: Don Marshall
  • Back Cover: Dean Motter
  • Frontispiece: Robert MacIntyre
  • Contents: Paul Rivoche
  • Process: A.E. Van Vogt (Writer); Dean Motter (Artist)
  • The Hidden Diaries: Jeffrey Morgan (Writer); Ken Steacy (Artist)
  • Shawn of the Ruins: George Henderson (Writer); Gene Day and Jim Beveridge (Artists)
  • The Dark Side of the Moon: Tom Nesbitt and Nick Poliwko (Artists and Writers)

Volume 2 No 3

  • Cover and contents: Paul Rivoche
  • Back Cover: Don Marshall
  • Frontispiece: Rob MacIntyre
  • Wirely L. Wiremire: Tom Nesbitt
  • Exile of the Aeons: Arthur C. Clarke (Original); b.p. nichol (Adaptation); Paul Rivoche (Artist)
  • Here’s Mudin Yer Eye!: Don Marshall

Volume 2 No 4

  • Cover: Ramy Bar-Elan
  • Frontispiece: Rob MacIntyre
  • Contents: Paul Rivoche
  • Narrowland: Jack Vance (Original); b.p. nichol (Adaptation); Tom Nesbitt (Artist)
  • For Tomorrow We Die: Brian Lee and Marc Griffiths (Artists and Writers)
  • Space Stuff: Tom Nesbitt

Volume 2 No 5

  • Cover: John Allison
  • Frontipiece: Rob MacIntyre
  • Contents: Paul Rivoche
  • The Big Hunger: Walter M. Miller (Original); b.p. nichol (Adaptation); Tony Meers (Artist)
  • Klang Klang: Derek Carter
  • The Visit: Don Marshall
  • The Bellergon Version: b.p. nichol (writer); Tom Nesbitt (Artist)

Volume 2 No 6 – Alan Dean Foster Special Issue (All written work by him)

  • Cover: Tom Nesbitt
  • Contents: Ken Steacy
  • Back Cover: Peter Hsu
  • Why Johnny Can’t Speed: Peter Hsu (Artist)
  • Where Do You Get Those Ideas?: Paul Rivoche
  • The Metrognome: Tom Nesbitt
  • Thrust: Don Marshall

5 thoughts on “Andromeda (Comic)

  1. Everyone who contributed to Andromeda had a Canadian connection at the time. John Allison went on to work in films, I believe, in Hollywood. Derek Carter went into Animation, for Disney I think. Paul Rivoche is still around and works in film and graphics, here in Ontario. Tom Nesbitt was a local guy too but I haven’t seen anything from him lately. Same for Rob MacIntyre, the master of stipple. Peter Hsu was just passing through, although he did do the first comic book published by Bill Marks of Vortex Comics fame; they also published Mister X. Etc, etc.

    • ‘Tom Nesbitt was a local guy too but I haven’t seen anything from him lately.’
      Then you’re not looking too closely. Just go online and google my name!

  2. I love their work. Today I discovered a zine called The Blitz. The first issue was under the art direction of Rodney Dunn and in the introduction there was a huge thank you to the whole crew. I mean all of them. This was just before he got a job working on Astro Boy. :)

  3. Pingback: Orb Magazine | Comic Syrup

  4. YES, there was a Volume 1 of Andromeda. It was published by Bill Paul in tabloid form [I have the first issue, don’t know how many others] as a spin-off title of his Media Five tabloid fanzine. – MannyLunch

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